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Monday, July 16, 2007

VS Pink: So Adorable!

I have had an addiction for VS Pink *Victoria's Secret Pink, for all of you living under a rock lately- Just kidding :)* pj's (or "loungewear" whatever) and accessories for like ever, so I decided that it was a great idea to finally do a post about it! It also kind of helped that commenter Lian gave me the idea for it...Thank you! Anyways, they have a lot of new things out for Back to School that are really cute that I just love...and the best part? With any purchase from PINK, you get a free Pink Mini Dog (while supplies last)! Of course, I already got my VS Pink "fix" today (as well as the mini dog) because it will look so cute in my room. All you have to do is enter the code PINKU when you order through the internet, or you can always get it at the store. Anyways, here are my absolute favorite new Pink things:

I've been in L-O-V-E with this pillow since it came out, because it looks graphic and "cool" while looking cute and girly (because of the pink). The description says it gives "pretty punch" in pillow fights, which I think is sort of dumb as a description, but whatever :) Anyways, I really love it, and it reminds me of something they would feature in a Teen Vogue room! (I adore Teen Vogue) This isn't a new VS Pink item, but I still think it is prettier than all the other new pillows so, there. Anyways, it costs $22.50

This sparkly, adorable tee is great, because 1. It's limited-edition, and 2. It represents all the fun they had in this year's World's Largest PINK Pajama Party in Chicago. I didn't go, but I know that Fergie performed, free PINK items were given out, and the party anthem was Fergie's "Here I Come" which I love. Anyways, this tee-shirt costs $29.50...but all the sparkly/glittery/shiny things on it makes it worth it!

VS PINK has always had it's signature perfume, but now it has added three new scents to it's collection: Sweet and Tart, Fruity and Bright, and Fresh and Clean. I'm dying to smell each of them in the store to know which I like the best, but for now I really think I'm going to like Fresh and Clean the best. Anyways, each new scent has a body lotion $12, body mist $15, and sudsy soap $10.50 (each sold seperately). My favorite has to be the soap though, it looks so cute on a rope! :)

It would be my absolute dream to have taken this to a past sleepover...on top of it probably being really funny to have brought this, it is just so cute- as well as functional. It's even water repellent and has tons of that I think of it, it would be great for camping too! Not that I think I'll be going camping any time soon, but it would be great to bring if I would. Anyways, it costs $48.50.

I am completely in between saying this hoodie is completely amazing, or if it is completely tacky...which happens a lot when I'm looking at clothes, now that I think about it. This happens the most when I'm loooking at VS Pink or Juicy Couture clothes, for obvious reasons. Well, whatever, I actually think I like it- but I'm not sure if I would buy it...would you? Comment to tell me, please! It costs $68.

As most of you should know (if you've read my blog before) I'm a sucker for comfy-cuteness. Which of course, is why I just adore this scarf. I am loving rugby stripes (a trend for Fall) and the Varsity P and "peace hand" just make this cuter. Don't you just love that little peace hand? It even has a heart in it :) And, all for $19.50.

Hope You Loved It!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the same anonymous before that commented on Dylan's band on her dress and the red belt that went over it...thanks for respecting my opinion, Geisha! :-) I love this post, especially the rubgy scarf! I would wear that sweatshirt, cuz it's VSP, not some knock-off brand or something, so I think it's ok. But wouldn't that sweatshirt with those sweatpants be complete overkill?! I can't stand matching sweatsuits (random I know).
Great post, Geisha!

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you finally did a VS Pink post! well i really like it and i adore the mini dog as well as the pillow. I personally would NOT buy the hoodie but its probably cause idon't like gold and i do think its a little bit tacky but i don't know, i can't really decide myself either...well love ya!

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yayyy the vs pink post! i <3ed everything :) anddddd i love that scarf of course ilyyy

-miss you, im in italy right now LOL great post!!!!!

6:47 PM  
Blogger Eli said...

Although I necessarily wouldnt wear the clothes, I would rather wear it than have Juicy across my butt. The pink lingerie is very adorable. It's fun to have bright unmentionables under your clothes :)

8:09 PM  
Blogger Weekly Blogette said...

Awwwww that pillow is adorable. As wierd as this sounds I'd like to just buy it and walk around with an attempt to make it my accessory.

1:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome post i think everything is cute except the sweat shirt. Its a little tacky for my taste. ILY!
P.S.- Lian how cool to hear from you in Italy see you when you get back!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Emily ♥ said...

i love the sweatsuit; the gold looks so pretty. ♥

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MAJOR NEWS! Im scared that Tenn Vogue is getting canceled look at this link!

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

click on the name to see the link!

7:52 PM  
Blogger Geisha said...

Aaaaahhh! No! I would absolutely die if Teen Vogue folded :(

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I absolutely hate Pink. But that's closely related to my lounge wear fear.

Teen vogue ending? NO!

2:54 AM  
Blogger Ellie Lee said...

haha those are so so cute!!! great post!!! love those stuff!!

11:52 AM  
Blogger From Lily With Love said...

I love the little PINK dogs.

10:39 AM  
Blogger Elle said...

ah I love vs pink sweats, I wear them to sleep to dance they are soo comfy. and if teen vogue ends I will protest, I will...

3:03 PM  
Blogger AVA said...

OK, I just love the name of your blog.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

Pink is so great for lounging at home!

4:28 PM  

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